Adelaide FringeClownComedyQueer INTERVIEW: A Digital Pint with… Lil Wenker, on Cowboy Rivalry, Manhood, and International Clownery Jake Mace
HistoryLondonTheatreWoman-LedWomanhood INTERVIEW: A Digital Pint with… Claire Parker, on Victorian Feminism, Magic Realism and Mary de Morgan Jake Mace
GriefLondonNeurodiversityTheatreWoman-Led INTERVIEW: A Digital Pint with… Alex John, on Neurodiverse Representation, Grief and Sit-Coms Jake Mace
BrightonMarginalised GendersQueerTheatreTrans INTERVIEW: A Digital Pint with… Cloud Quinn & Kay Elúvian, on Michael Dillon, Gender Affirming Care, and Bramble Cocktails Jake Mace
Adelaide FringeComedyDanceGenre-DefyingStorytellingWoman-Led INTERVIEW: A Digital Pint with… Eliza Sanders and Charley Allanah, on Expectations, Confusion and Christmas Work Meetings Moss Meunier
LondonMarginalised GendersQueerTheatreWoman-Led INTERVIEW: A Digital Pint with… Rebecca Millar and Elissa Nicholson on Baggage, Identity, HR and Hierarchy Jake Mace
//BUZZCUT//Cabaret & Varietyd/DeafGlasgowLive ArtQueer INTERVIEW: A Digital Pint with… Karl Taylor on //BUZZCUT// Double Thrills, Access, Activism, and Live Art Jake Mace
Adelaide FringeDiaspora-LedImmigrant VoicesTheatreWoman-Led INTERVIEW: A Digital Pint with… Beth Paterson on Intergenerational Trauma, Laughter and Patti LuPone Moss Meunier
Adelaide FringeDragPoliticsQueerTheatre INTERVIEW: A Digital Pint with… Ryan Stewart on Drag, Gender, Reactionary Politics & Surprise Eggs Jake Mace
LondonNon-BinaryQueerTheatreWoman-Led INTERVIEW: A Digital Pint with… Maria Cristina Petitti & Everleigh Brenner, on Eulogies, Fondue, and the Female & Gender Non-Conforming Gaze Jake Mace
Adelaide FringeClownComedyDisabled-LedInterviewNeurodiversityNon-BinaryQueer INTERVIEW: A Digital Pint with… Yoz Mensch, on Clowning, Autism and Umbilical Cords Moss Meunier
IllnessLondonQueerTheatreWoman-Led INTERVIEW: A Digital Pint with… Ella McCormack & Molly McFarlane, on Diagnoses, Relationships, and Espresso Martinis Jake Mace
ComedyLondonTheatreWoman-LedWomanhood INTERVIEW: A Digital Pint with… Stephanie McNeil, on Misogyny, Dating Apps, Female Friendships and Margaritas Jake Mace
LondonQueerTechnology & AITheatre INTERVIEW: A Digital Pint with… Conor O’Cuinn, on Queer Hook-Ups, Tennessee Williams and Mezcal Margaritas Jake Mace
Catania OFF FringeClownComedyDanceIllnessInternationalPhysical Theatre REVIEW ROUND-UP: Catania OFF Fringe 2024 – The Sensemaker / ED Recovery / Alter_Azione / T.O.M (The Old Man) / News Jake Mace
INTERVIEW: A Digital Pint with… JD Henshaw, Launching the 3rd Dundee Fringe Next Week! September 8, 2023
A Digital Pint with… Larkhall, the classical piano virtuoso making art with algorithms at EdFringe 2022 June 7, 2022